Android Project Structure | Android wale bhaiya - ANDROID WALE BHAIYA
Wednesday 26 August 2020

Android Project Structure | Android wale bhaiya

Project Structure

Once we set up an Android development environment using android studio and if we create a sample application using android studio, our project folder structure will be like as shown below. In case if you are not aware of creating an application using an android studio please check this Android Hello World App.

Android Application | Project Folder Structure

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Java Folder

This Folder will contain all the JAVA SOURCE CODE(.java) files which we'll create during the application development, including JUnit test code.

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res [ Resources ] Folder

It's an important folder that will contain all non-code resources, such as bitmap images, UI strings, XML layout like as shown below.

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Drawable Folder [ res/drawable ] 

It will contain the different types of images as per the requirement of the application. It’s a best practice to add all the images in a drawable folder other than app/launcher icons for the application development.

Layout Folder (res/layout)

This folder will contain all XML layout files which we used to define the user interface of our application. Following is the structure of the layout folder in the android application.

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Mipmap Folder (res/mipmap)

This folder will contain app/launcher icons that are used to show on the home screen. It will contain different density type of icons such as hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi, to use different icons based on the size of the device.

Following is the structure of the mipmap folder in the android application.

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Values Folder (res/values)

This folder will contain various XML files, such as strings, colors, style definitions, and a static array of strings or integers. Following is the structure of the values folder in the android application.

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Manifests Folder

This folder will contain a manifest file (AndroidManifest.xml) for our android application. This manifest file will contain information about our application such as the Android version, access permissions, metadata, etc. of our application and its components. The manifest file will act as an intermediate between android OS and our application.


Following is the structure of the manifests folder in the android application.

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Gradle Scripts

In android, Gradle means automated build system and by using this we can define a build configuration that applies to all modules in our application. In Gradle build.gradle (Project), and build.gradle (Module) files are useful to build configurations that apply to all our app modules or specific to one app module.


Following is the structure of Gradle Scripts in the android application.

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These are some basic terms one must be familiar with before starting with an android studio. I hope all the points were clear and easily understandable. Follow ANDROID WALE BHAIYA for daily updates about android.



Android wale bhaiya

Android Project Structure | Android wale bhaiya Reviewed by Ashutosh Singh on August 26, 2020 Rating: 5 Project Structure Once we set up  an Android development environment   using android studio and if we create a sample application using and...

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